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Retrieve transaction data

Retrieve transaction data

Query Parameters
  • fromDate string

    Retrieve transaction data from date, format: YYYY-MM-DD

  • toDate string

    Retrieve transaction data to date, format: YYYY-MM-DD



  • requestId string required
  • transactions TransactionData[]
  • Array [
  • reference string required

    Transaction reference as provided by the financial institution.

  • transactionDate string required

    Transaction date. Also known as valueDate

  • transactionDateTime string nullable

    Transaction date and time. Also known as valueDateTime. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ

  • bookingDate string nullable

    The date and time when the transaction was posted on the financial institution’s books

  • amount number required

    Exact transaction amount

  • description string required

    Available detailed transaction descriptions

  • runningBalance number nullable

    Balance after operation

  • accountNumber string required

    Bank account number

  • virtualAccountNumber string nullable

    Virtual account number

  • virtualAccountName string nullable

    Virtual account name

  • paymentChannel string nullable

    Payment channel. Possible values: Napas247 | Nội bộ | Citad | Swift

  • counterAccountNumber string nullable

    Counter account number

  • counterAccountName string nullable

    Counter account name

  • counterAccountBankId string nullable

    The bank's BIN of the counterpart's account

  • counterAccountBankName string nullable

    Counter account bank name

  • ]
  • accounts AccountData[]
  • Array [
  • accountNumber string required

    Bank account number

  • accountName string required

    Bank account name

  • currency string required


  • balance number required


  • ]